Last week, the U.K.’s David Cameron made a call to create floating prisons. As of this moment the California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, is weighing in with an equally outrageous solution to California’s prison problems and one of these problems was to outsource inmates to Mexico. According to Governor Schwarzenegger, the state will probably save more than $1 billion by building prisons in Mexico and this move will be incorporated with the use of outsourcing. This move was to house California’s prisoners who are undocumented. The billion of dollars that would be saved may be used in the aspects of higher education. They are planning to build a prison in Mexico because it would just take half the cost and also half the cost in running the prisons. A spokesperson said that he did not have a clue where governor Schwarzenegger got the idea about the billion-dollar savings value. The California and the rest of the US could use their creativity in thinking about their astronomically expensive and the prison system that is not efficient but it will be more effective if they will be considering prison reform ideas and concepts about their work that has been already proven. The inmates at four prisons in the Washington DC have been made Sustainable Prisons Project which allows the the prison to do sort recycling, cafeteria waste, work on organic vegetables gardens, keep bees, and they are also allowed to help the scientists with environmental research. The Department of Corrections has supported the newly compost Sustainable Prisons Project. They have provided Evergreen with $300,000 grant in order to support the said project. Because of this, the Cedar Creek would avoid the previously planned $1.4 million expansion of its wastewater treatment facility through recycling and composting. According to the spokesman of Schwarzenegger, Aaron McLear, that the governor was not yet presenting his real proposal but he is either just glancing on the idea that somebody has mentioned to him and even Aaron has no idea where the $1 billion figure came from. Outsourcing really plays an important role in all the sectors in every organizations.